Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Who Am I

Who Am I
The obvious answer to the question is that I am Ronie, a sophomore at college. But of course, that does not truly answer who I am as a person. The answer to that question cannot be found on a birth certificate or driver's license, but rather only in the heart and sole of a person.
Around that time, a major influence on my life was my cousin, Darwen. He taught me that I would only live once and that I should be the person that I was and not some one that just tries to fit in. We were sitting a in a coffee shop, one evening, when he asked me the one question than changed my life. "Who are you?" When I first heard this question I hesitated to answer. This question opened a new door in my mind that had never been opened before. This was the first question that had actually made me think about myself and who I was. The more I thought about his question the more I realized that I had a decision to make; to be the person who tried to fit in and cared what other people thought or to be myself. For the past 16 years I had tried to fit in, and I had cared what other people thought and this hadn't seemed to work. So, for the first time, I was going to be myself.
In school, my circle of friends were people that I had been going to school with since sixth grade. I also had friends that were not in my circle. When I went back to school I decided to be one person, myself. After the first month, I realized that most all of my friends were all single serving friends. That is, they were friends only during good times and that's all. Most of my friends slowly parted from me because I went my own way. I didn't try to fit in. At this time in my life I found out who my real friends were and who I really was.
Through what I have learned, I was able to put myself into other peoples shoes and see their point of view as well as my own, giving me new perspectives and insight in all areas of life. Everyday is a new day, and I take one day at a time. So, who am I? I am not

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